September 15, 2024, 11am–8pm in Downtown PetaLuma

16 RiverS Press Poets
11am | Hotel Petaluma
Upstairs Ballroom
(Note: There is a staircase to this venue, and no elevator.)
205 Kentucky Street
Christina Lloyd
Alice Templeton
Murray Silverstein
with Event Presenter Terry Ehret
Photo by Scott Hess

The Trio Poets
12 noon | The Petaluma Cheese Shop Tasting Room
112 Washington Street
Emily Schulten: Raleigh Review‘s Geri Digiorno Prize Winner
Lynn Watson
Gene Berson
with Event Presenter and PPW Co-producer, Bill Vartnaw
Photo courtesy of Petaluma Cheese Shop

The Sonoma Writers’ Workshop Poets
1pm | Keller Street CoWork
Main Lounge
140 Keller Street
Jonah Raskin
Lisa Summers
Stacey Tuel
and Steve Shain on Standup Bass
With Event Presenter Daedalus Howell
Photo courtesy of Keller Street Cowork

The Performance Poets
2pm | The Phoenix Theater
201 Washington Street
Maxine Flasher-Düzgüneş
Nancy Miller Gomez
Event Presenter Elizabeth Herron
Photo by Kary Hess

The Poets Laureate
3pm | Copperfield’s Books
140 Kentucky Street
Lee Herrick
California Poet Laureate
Genny Lim
Former San Francisco Jazz Poet Laureate
With Event Presenter Iris Jamahl Dunkle
Photo by Kary Hess

The Marin Poetry Center Poets
4pm | Usher Gallery
1 Petaluma Boulevard North
With Event Presenter: Francesca Bell
Photo by Kary Hess

The Library Poets
5pm | The Petaluma Historical Library and Museum
20 4th Street
Georgina Marie Guardado
Jodi Hottel
Elizabeth Jiménez Montelongo
With Event Presenters: Sabine Wolpert, Lisa Zheng, and John Johnson
Photo by Scott Hess

The Grande Finale
6-8pm | Aqus Café
189 H Street
Emilie Lygren
Kirk Lumpkin
Chris Olander
Lin Marie deVincent
Fran Carbonaro
Dave Seter Sonoma County’s NEW Poet Laureate
Event Presenter Gwynn O’Gara
Photo courtesy of Aqus Café
The Petaluma Poetry Walk thanks the following donors
for their generous support of the 2024 petaluma Poetry Walk:
The Judy Stedman Memorial Fund
Aqus Café, Karen Peterson, Robin Mills, JoAnne Rosen, Donna Camp, Anonymous, Timothy Bacon, Jodi Hottel, Scott Hensel, Dottie Lynch, Daedalus Howell, Michael Woolsey, and Jimmy Johnson.